👁️ 48PDFDJVU A Brief submitted to the special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on the UkrainiansУкраїніка
👁️ 50PDFDJVU Ferment in the Ukraine : Documents by V. Chornovil, I. Kandyba, L. Lukyanenko, V. Moroz and othersУкраїніка
👁️ 49PDFDJVU Ihor Dmytruk an Exhibition organized by the Edmonton Art Gallery, September 2-October 3, 1971Мистецтвознавство
👁️ 56PDFDJVU Koropeckyj I. Location problems in soviet industry before world war II. The cfase of the UkraineУкраїніка
👁️ 52PDFDJVU Sawchak W. The Status of the Ukrainian SSR in viewof State and International LawУкраїніка
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👁️ 49PDF Jaworsky, S.J. Newspaper and Periodicals of Slavic Groups in Canada During the Period of 1965-1969 (an annotated bibliography)Словники та довідники