👁️ 50PDFDJVU Skwarok J. The Ukrainian settlers in Canada and their schools; with reference to government, French Canadian, and Ukrainian missionary influences, 1891-1921Україніка
👁️ 48PDFDJVU Martynowych O. The Showman and the Ukrainian Cause folk dance film and the life of Vasile AvramenkoУкраїніка
👁️ 49PDFDJVU Короткий проспект Українського Акційного Видавничого Товариства “Земля”Словники та довідники
👁️ 46PDFDJVU Piniuta H. Land of Pain, Land of Promise. First Person Accounts by Ukrainian Pioneers, 1891-1914Україніка
👁️ 45PDFDJVU Krawchuk P. Our History The Ukrainian Labour-Farmer Movement in Canada, 1907-1991Україніка
👁️ 50PDFDJVU Makaryk I. Shakespeare in the Undiscovered Bourn : Les Kurbas, Ukrainian modernism and early Soviet cultural politicsЛітературознавство
👁️ 46PDFDJVU Melnycky P. Shelter, Feed and Dray: A Structural History of the Radway Livery BarnУкраїніка
👁️ 54PDFDJVU Shostak P. For our children: A series of paintings depicting early Ukrainian pioneer settiement in Western CanadaМистецтвознавство